Ksar Kasbah & Spa


The adventure to our Riad/Hotel

After our dreadful 36 hour nightmare with TAP, we finally arrived in Marrakech. The airport in Marrakech is modern and efficient. Going through customs is hassle-free, getting a sim card is extremely convenient (it’s free but they will have to take a photo of your passport) as is obtaining their currency which is just right outside of the customs.

Because of the super delayed flight, we missed our pre-booked taxi pick up and we had to go with the airport taxi. This was a bit scary for us as we knew there are a lot of scams with taxis in Morocco. After we got into a taxi, we showed our driver the riad we booked (even with the office map) but he didn’t seem familiar with the location. We were dropped in a seemingly random alleyway and were told to walk through it and our riad will be there. We knew we weren’t too far from our riad because of our offline map but the streets and alleys are essentially a maze to someone new the city, we were still confused as to how to get there exactly. By chance we saw another tourist couple and asked if they can help us. They were also just wondering around and couldn’t help us much as there were sort of lost like we were. Luckily, a pair of expats saw us and asked if we need help with directions. They were semi familiar with the location of the riad and was kind enough to walk with us all the way to the riad. The riad has a reputation for being somewhat inconspicuous but we finally managed to find it. A huge thanks to those kind strangers! Our first impression of Morocco definitely set the stage for the rest of our trip in this amazing country.

Marrakech Airport

Marrakech Airport

Our Riad’s Entrance

Our Riad’s Entrance


Arrival + Mint Tea

Upon arriving, we could smell a lovely and soothing aroma. The host came out to welcome us and had their handsome staff bring us a little snack and their famous Moroccan mint tea to enjoy by the pool. With our past day being such an ordeal, having this treatment made us feel like we were in heaven. When we had the mint tea, we both looked at each other surprised. It was not only the best mint tea we’ve ever had but it was also super refreshing considering it’s a warm beverage in such hot weather.


The Riad

Our host brought us around the property and informed us of the many features and amenities of this particular riad. For those don’t know, a riad is a type of traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior courtyard or fountain and often a terrace on the roof. This particular building had a beautiful turquoise pool in the heart of the riad. My breath was taken away by its pretty and intricate mosaic tile covering the columns and walls, decorated with luscious green foliage and ornate furniture! This riad has eleven rooms built around this courtyard, all furnished in boho style price ranging from 130 euros to 170 euros per night. Another thing I absolutely love is the rooftop. Our host told us that in Marrakech, most buildings are 3 storeys high so when you are on the terrace you can see far into the distance of the city. The tallest building are the mosques so the people know where to pray.


Our Room

After the tour, the staff helped us put our luggage in our room located on the second floor. Our room was very spacious and nicely designed. We had a queen sized bed with air conditioning (much needed in this hot weather)! Our bathroom was also designed with the shower being open concept. One thing to mention here is their bath products were made with ingredients like orange, honey and argan oil which is really beneficial for your skin and hair.


My Hammam Experience

When I was planning to visit Morocco, I never thought of having a hammam spa experience (which is turkish warmth bath). But after sleeping in the airport, not showering and body aching, I was yearning for a relaxing massage. So, staying at a riad with spa worked out perfectly! A traditional Moroccan hammam is a public steam room where people go there to clean themselves (fully naked and separated by gender). However, this process varies for hotels or riad but the general process is that you soak in a steam room, get rinsed, exfoliated and massaged.

This riad has a small room for Hammam and can only hold 2 people. I was greeted by an elderly women who didn’t speak a word of english who told me to go in the steam room and take my bathrobe off. Feeling a bit awkward, she told me to lay down on the marble slab to rest and she walked out. After a couple minutes, I was a bit overwhelmed by the heat then she came back with a bucket and a tub of black paste. She gave me a couple of splashes of cold water (which feels AMAZING), then applied the black goo on me (full body), massaged and started exfoliating. This was the most unique part of the entire experience. She started scrubbing me from head to toe with full force using some sort of sandpaper or sand gloves and it was intense! I felt like a snake just shed an entire outer layer of skin. It hurt at times but also surprisingly good. Not sure if it was the black goo but I can literally see my dead skin in clumps. Often times, she would try to ask me in french whether I am okay or not. And with my limited french, I can only reply with “bien” and “merci”.

At the end, she gave me a soothing facial using honey. She would again starting rinsing me and started putting lotion and handing me my robe back.

After this, I felt like rejuvenated! It was awkward at times (since im fully naked) but also relaxing and in a way, homey. Chris didn’t participate but he kept telling how smooth my skin is. It was definitely a worth it moment for me.


Sunset on the Terrace

After the spa, we went up to the terrace to enjoy the sunset. This was another highlight during our stay in this riad. It was one of the most beautiful sunsets with the most amazing view of the city.



When we arrived, the one thing our host asked is if we will be having dinner at the riad. They asked us because they have to prepare the food ahead of time so they can serve us dinner at our desired time. It was our first meal in Morocco, so we ordered the obligatory chicken and beef tajine. It was flavourful with right amount of salt and delicious of course.

Lemon Chicken Tajine

Lemon Chicken Tajine

Beef Tajine

Beef Tajine



The next day, before venturing out to the red city, we had their complimentary breakfast. You have the option to eat on the rooftop or set yourself up beside the pool. We, of course, went back up to the rooftop. They served us with delicious Moroccan crepes, lemon/poppy seeds cake, fresh fruits, scramble eggs, coffee and orange juice. It was quite a breakfast meal for us especially the OJ! Orange juice in Morocco is just exquisite. It’s really refreshing and sweet. We’ve never tasted anything quite like it before. (I also love their pottery clay cup! I wish I could bring them back!)


Final Thoughts

We love this riad. Not only the design of the place was exceptional but what impressed us the most was the hospitality of the host and staff. The host would talk to his guests whenever he sees them and made sure everyone had what they need. The staff were really friendly and would share their culture with us and make us feel at home. I can’t recommend this place enough. If we ever come back to Marrakech, we would definitely come back to this riad!
